Bite sized steps to being carbon neutral
1. Reduce Physical Waste
Before you go to hit the print button, think twice. Do you really need to?. If so, print double sided, and if your office doesn’t recycle paper, ask for it. Australians are one of the highest users of new technology in the world, so when you’re upgrading your laptops or any electronic equipment, and ink cartridges, remember -these can all be recycled.
<h4class=”nH g”>2. Reduce Energy Consumption
<h4class=”nH g”>3. Choose Sustainable Suppliers
For some organisations, a large portion of their carbon footprint is as a result of embedded carbon emissions from their supply chain. So it’s important to look at not just your own actions and processes, but the suppliers you also choose to work with and use, and the emissions from the production, transport and end use of the goods. Of course, one of these is your water cooler company. A lot of our customers who switched to our water filtration service, didn’t realise how much impact the bottled water industry has on our environment. The oil needed to produce the plastic bottles, the diesel to transport these, and huge wastage in the end product.
Lastly, Thank You
For taking the time to read this and of course to our customers for choosing Call A Cooler, as the alternative to the madness of bottled water. Whilst believing that our vision for Australia to become the first continent free of plastic, bottled water, is possible.