Regular cleans for better drinking water
Most companies in Melbourne have said that, since installing their water cooler, they’ve never seen the company again. Your cooler may have been left to collect dust and bacteria. This isn’t acceptable and we won’t stand for it. You could be in for a shock if you took a look at the inside of your current water cooler.
Sanitising your water cooler is crucial, as if you don’t it could make you very unwell. We’ve seen cases of fungi growing inside water coolers because of the lack of sanitation from the existing water cooler company…that could have made somebody seriously unwell.
Call a Cooler is ashamed at the lack of service from other water cooler companies, that’s why we schedule regular checkups and ensure your filters are working as they should. All of this being free of charge. Your health matters to us, we’re committed to providing you with the best, healthiest service that you can find in Melbourne.